1300 428 737
OUR LINES ARE OPEN 8:00 - 16:00
(Apple Tree Creek to Isis District High School and Childers State School)
(Berries Road to Isis District High School and Childers State School)
(Cordalba to Isis District High School and Childers State School)
(Farnsfield to Isis District High School and Childers State School)
(Howard to Howard State School and Isis District High School)
(Booyal to Isis District High School and Childers State School)
(Biggenden to Dallarnil State School and Isis District High School)*
*S473 Meets with the Dallarnil school bus service at Dallarnil Shops AM and the Dallarnil State School PM. - This service is operated by another School Bus Operator.
** All non-eligible students are required to pay fares. All Fares MUST be paid on the day or travel or in advance. For parents wishing to be placed on account please contact our office on 1300 428 737. All accounts must be approved by management. Failure to pay applicable bus fares may result in your child not being picked up.
To apply for Bus Travel Assistance please click here. For Students subject to a Protection Order please contact our office to arrange an application form. Parents who fail to apply for Bus Travel Assistance when eligible will be charged bus fares.
If you a new to our school buses, please access the passenger information form here. Please also familiarise yourself and the student travelling with The Code of Conduct for School Children Travelling on Buses.
Coast & Country Buses
PO Box 26